
A Mall is a place where you go shopping for clothes and sharks.
Image result for mall shark

MALL stands for Mobile Assisted Language Learning, and it is easy to see why the concepts of Language Learning and Mobile Phones sound so appealing together! On the one hand, you have the advantage of mobility, being able to go anywhere at anytime and still have an application that allows you to learn in your pocket! You won't miss a lesson because of notifications, especially since teenagers are as conditioned to check every single mobile notification as Pavlov's dogs.

Image result for pavlov dogs
Bobik resisting the urge to check his phone after getting a notification, 1897

Here is an interesting guessing game. Try to guess whether this QR code leads to a dancing dog video or a useful language learning resource:

1 комментарий:

  1. Also check out my Quizlet flashcards on Python functions, if you're interested: https://quizlet.com/_7peh73?x=1jqt&i=25sycg


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